Saturday, April 19, 2008


Aren't girlfriends the best? I think they are..... good girlfriends are one of life's greatest gifts. Friends in general are a very blessed thing, but there's something about a great girlfriend. I feel fortunate to have lots of great friends.........some I've known a few months, others a few years, and still others - a very long time. No matter the length of time, when you find a great gal that turns into a great friend, well, there's just nothing better.

Seems like I've been hanging out a lot with my friends. Since April is my birthday month, all my friends have come out to play! We've gone to lunch, we've gotten together for walks and talks, and whatever other reason we could think of to spend time together........

In fact, today I met with a group of friends that I've known for over 10 years.......... we met many years ago in the pursuit of a great relationship -Sterling Women's Weekend, anyone? Those days seems like a million years ago, but when you meet in a time when you're searching for something, sometimes you find just the perfect fit. This group of women is my perfect fit. We are all different, but the same. When we met, we were on the path to self-actualization and spiritual awareness......... though we each have our own beliefs and journey's, it has been quite a ride! One thing is for sure......... we all love and respect each other and though we each have very busy lives, we make it a priority to get together at least 4-5 times a years to celebrate each other. We catch up on what is happening, we support each other's passions and life purposes, we eat, we laugh and we generally spend a good amount of time re-connecting and having a really good time.

So, here's to my great girlfriends. Thank you for being who you are. You make my life richer by allowing me to walk with you............ blessings and love to all of you!


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