Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Feng Shui Master Comes to Our House

Well, we've been in our new home for about three weeks........ getting settled in and organized. In the process of settling in, I decided to call a feng shui consultant to come out, to not only feng shui the house and raise the existing chi, but to also bring in new chi, and to do a house clearing and blessing. Whether you believe in this practice or not, the truth is that if you aren't the first owners in a house or business, you need the energy cleared. So, that is what we decided to do.........

So, the gal came out and stayed about 2.5 hours. Now, I have a bit of knowledge about feng shui, but she didn't do the kind of consultation I was expecting - isn't that always the way......... you go in expecting something will happen the way you think it should, then bam - it doesn't. Seems life is just that way..............even though it was different in some ways than what I was expecting, it was still very interesting.......... the first thing she did was walk the entire property and look around....... we have two huge oaks in our backyard and she concluded that these trees are for Dennis...... he is to tend to them and keep care of them........ since Dennis is an Earth Rat (Chinese Astrology), tending and caring for these trees will help ground him and teach him to be a steward of the earth. We know that he already is, but how she said it was very comforting. I could see that Dennis connected with those trees right away.

Though she said lots of things and gave us suggestions for "cures", I was most impressed with the house clearing and blessing. I felt that the previous owners loved this house and the wife, especially had a hard time leaving, so we needed to clear that energy. After we cleared the space and did a blessing to bring in our new energy, I could feel an instant shift. I have a very good feeling about what Dennis and I will create in our new home.

I would recommend a house clearing/blessing for anyone. It is a good way to start fresh, no matter where you are in your life. It enables you to clear out any old, stagnet energy to make way for the new.

Blessings and love to all!

1 comment:

Lynda said...

I love the idea of a house blessing to start things fresh in your home. It's very respectful of the previous owners, while also allowing you and your family members to enjoy your new home energy. Sometimes Feng Shui doesn't always provide the answers you'd like, though. But in the end, it's really about what makes YOU happy, right? Consultant or not!