Sunday, March 2, 2008

Changes are a Comin'

My hubby has been wanting to move for a loooooooonnnggg time..... so we hired a realtor and have been looking at a variety of houses (large, small, lots of land, little bit of land, affordable, way too expensive, etc) for about a year..........

Before our search began, I was just as content to stay put and to continue to enjoy the house we currently have. It seemed perfect to me - a great location, great neighbors, centrally located, pretty close to work, close to family, almost paid off, yada, yada........ but funny how life is.......... as much as I protested and tried to convince Dennis that our house was just fine, he kept saying how much he wanted to move, so there in lies the rub.......... the rub and morale of the story:

Be careful what you ask for because you might just get it!

What we got was an awesome, beautiful home! It all came together quickly too - all in the past two weeks. Once that energy started flowing, everything seemed to move very quickly. I knew the house was ours the moment I saw it. I could just feel it. Call me crazy, but I knew. Even that first night after walking through it with Tracy (our awesome realtor), I was already living there - literally. I told her the next day that this was the house and that I had already moved in - in fact, I'd taken a bath in the master bathtub and cooked a meal on the stove! She just laughed, but I was darn serious. I knew the house would be ours because it was perfect for Dennis and I. The natural setting and the beautiful oak trees was just our style. It was a bit pricey, but I also knew that we would get the price we wanted and we did (at least I think we did : ).

Since I had just finished reading my new favorite book " A New Earth" (check past blog entry), I tried to apply some of the principles I'd just learned to the process of getting the house. I had to be:
1. Non-attached
2. Non-resistant
3. Non-judgmental,
in every aspect of the process and transaction.

Well, with everything in life, no one and nothing is perfect, so I did struggle from time to time. However, one thing was certain - I was not attached to the outcome - I honestly could have taken it or left it, and with that mind set, I was able to open up the space for good things to flow.

I did however lose that steely focus from time to time, especially when my wonderful husband was being the shrewd negotiator that he is......... I thought he was playing a little too much hard ball and that we might lose the bid and thus, I lost my focus and became attached to the outcome and resistant to what was happening........ but I was able to find my center again and trust the process, knowing on some level that if it was meant to be, we'd get the house....... and we did, so I am a very happy girl!

Well, it's the weekend and we've begun the unruly task of trying to decide what to keep, give to Goodwill or trash...... we have lots of work ahead of us but it is good. We get to clean house, start anew and in about a month or so, we get to continue an already wonderful life in a new and wonderful home! I can't wait!!

1 comment:

JP4A said...

Hi Sis,

i see you have been busy "blogging". We can't wait to see the new house!
