Sunday, March 16, 2008

Moving is so much fun!

Today is Sunday and what a fun weekend we've had! NOT! We are getting ready to move........ my husband has lived in this house for almost 25 years - he had the house when we met 12 years ago. I, on the other hand, have only been here 8 years, so I don't have the amount of stuff (junk) that he has..... boy, oh boy, are we having fun now! We only have about two weeks before we move into our new house, so we better get packing! I had no idea how much work it would be! Before yesterday, I was gung ho -ready to go. How hard could it be, I asked myself? Just devise a plan and get going....... well, I was in for a slow, rude awakening as I started to go, room by room, closet by closet, deciding what I wanted to purge, what I wanted to keep, what to sell, what to give to Goodwill and what to just toss as far as I could throw the damn thing! I'm already pooped and I've only just begun!!

Now, my darling, energetic and amazingly fit husband has really done the hard work. He began painting the downstairs, living room and kitchen today. There he was standing on a step ladder, head bent backwards, with the roller in his hand - back and forth, back and forth as he paints the ceilings! Good god. There is simply no way in hell that I could ever do that! That man has the endurance of a bull. He just keeps going and going. But, after about 5 hours of this, I asked him to please stop and take a break. Which thankfully he did. I thought he could use a good, hot soak in the tub, so I ran the water for him and once in, gave him a good rub down. Nothing like soaking in a hot bath after a hard days work.

I quit about 11:00 this morning (really never got off the couch - truth be told) and went grocery shopping. I love to shop for food. Nothing like good food preparation after my hubby has worked so hard all day. I love doing that for him. I made a nice batch of chili. So, about 4:00 p.m., he finally came and sat down, read the paper and chilled out. We had a nice glass of wine, a hot bowl of chili and took the rest of the night off. Thank goodness!

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