Monday, March 10, 2008


We just celebrated Dennis' 60th birthday - a big milestone in his life..... one day, we will or have already celebrated (if we're lucky) that day. In celebrating his sixty years, with friends and family, I began to think about life........ the truth is: life is short.

It seems there are lots of people racing through life, trying to make the time pass quickly, hurrying here and there........waiting for that this or that to make them happy. I guess what I want for myself is to enjoy life today. Be present. Notice everything and be totally focused in whatever you are doing. As I type these words, time is ticking away. It was really strange, I was on a conference call at work last week and there, on the phone, was a digital clock. It was very strange listening to the dialog and watching the time tick away, one second at a time. By the time the call was done, an hour of precious had passed. Now, think about that. That hour is gone. I never thought about it like that before and it was very strange actually watching time pass.

Along with Dennis' party and the significance of all that, it made me think......... and thinking is what I do. I love to postulate about life and its meaning......... it made me think about what is important - what is important to me. We are in the process of buying a house - a bigger, more beautiful house, with all the trimmings...... and though I am excited about it and want to live there, I could have stayed in this house forever......... the reason is quite simple. Things don't matter to me. Yes, things are nice but they are just things and they are not what is important to me. What is important is my family and close friends. Without those special relationships, nothing else matters.

Dennis and I spent yesterday lounging around the house, reading the Sunday paper and just enjoying another beautiful, sun-shiny day. I loved every minute of it. As we sat, we began to talk about life and how it never stays the same. Isn't that the truth? Just when it starts getting comfortable, something happens to give us another opportunity for growth..... it's the cycle of life. Nothing ever stays constant for long....... hopefully, we are all ready and equipped to meet each change or challenge and go with the flow. Trying to stop the tide of change is an exercise in futility. It will just sweep you over.... the best thing to do is embrace change and ride the wave.........

I don't know about you, but we have lots of changes happening. Not only are we moving but we have some family changes going on as well. Dennis' brother and his wife want to move to Colorado. We are happy for them, but sad too. We will miss them a lot. Dennis was really sad to hear the news because he realizes what it means. Life is short. You never know what will happen, so enjoy today. I guess the lesson for Dennis might be to enjoy his brother as much as he can while he is still in California - go golfing, take a day off work and go have fun! Don't wait........ enjoy every minute.

We also love spending time with my mom and dad. In fact, we love having them over for dinner, traveling with them, etc - any reason to get together is all we need.......... we see them all the time and love it. We are also close to my sister and her family and my two brothers and their families. Changes are happening there too, as kids grow up and new ones come in...... my brother and his wife are adopting a baby boy, so we are all looking forward to that new addition.

Life is about change - easy and sometimes not so easy.........but one thing is for certain: life happens and changes are a comin'

So, sit down, buckle up and have the time of your life!


Anonymous said...

Well said............Love Mom

Uben Hertwig said...

Happy Birthday Dennis.
I second that well said from your mom!

JP4A said...

that must have been one interesting conference call!
