Dennis and I have been off work since last Thursday getting ready for the big move. Being off work has been the only "sun-shiny" part of this whole thing! I have to tell you, I did not have a CLUE about this moving thing. Good god, who in their right mind would ever choose to do this? It is beyond me. I was so excited to find the house of our dreams, but what a process it's been in getting there. I know we've all done it - some of us tons of different times, but I really don't know why we put ourselves through all this. Why we don't just find a house that we like and stay there? Why do we have to move? Maybe its just me - it probably is, because people in all walks of life move every day! But not me - no more. I am never moving anywhere after this -no way, no how, no, no, no!
Well, we've been busy these past four days. We have so much stuff that we've accumulated over the past 10-15 years that I had this great idea to have a garage sale! Why? I'll never know. I think sometimes I don't think things through - ah, duh- what was my first clue! Anyway, I dragged my poor husband into my "garage sale" scheme and he, being the loving man he is, happily (I kid myself) complied. We spent all day/night Friday getting ready for this thing - setting up the garage/ putting all our stuff (more like junk) out on the two tables, pricing everything, yada yada........ well, I had another hair-brained idea to have it begin Saturday morning at the crack of fricking dawn - 7:00 a.m! Again, what was I thinking? Some might say, I was not! Any who, I wake up at 5:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning and dragged my " I'm not a morning person" husband out of bed at 6:30 a.m. (to help me greet the garage sale crowd. ) Well, we were busy for about the first two hours, then.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, not a single person! Now, don't laugh, but I had another hair-brained idea to have this booming garage sale on, not just Saturday, but yes, it's true, Sunday! Geez........ I woke up Sunday morning, but thankfully, didn't disturb my sleeping husband, to greet the crowd at 8:00 a.m. Not ONE STINKING PERSON TO BE HAD! I was so.........well, you probably know the rest.... I shut that god darn thing down at 10:00 a.m. and said "the hell with these dang garage sales!"
After all was said and done, we made a measly $150 bucks! NEVER AGAIN!!